Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trip to the vet!

This is Drew, She is Meghan's dog.

This week she turns 7 years old which makes her a senior citizen according to our vet.

She has been a bit under the weather this last week so I took her in to see the doc.

She is showing her age! She has arthritis and a calcium build up on her nose.

The build up looks like a scab and is not appealing to look at.

Now I have to put her on a new diet, give her pills, and cream her nose twice a day.

The things we do for our kids.

I mean my daughter not the dog.

Oh ya, I also have to pay the bill!!!!


Meghan said...

Thanks mom! I like how you failed to mention how she is your companion and how you need her to stay sane. But really thanks, she loves you more than me and has you to thank for her health.

Sherry said...

I'am so very glad I have her to keep me company when your away1 Thanks for the long term loan.

Kelly Visel said...

Poor Drewbie, I can't believe she's already a senior dog.